Intern Thoughts and Observations

Hey there! I am Jaelyn Knolls, the summer intern for Mission Made Jewelry and Haiti Awake! I have been working for about a month now, and I would love to share some of my thoughts!

Mission Made Jewelry is such a brilliant way to support our very talented artists in Haiti. I’ve worked two or three markets by now, and the products sent to us from Haiti are just beautiful. I love hearing about how each piece is made, and how much hard work has to go into each item. Because everything sold is handmade, each piece is a little different, and entirely unique.

Some of the work I do includes keep track of stock and updating inventory. By being involved in the selling process, I am able to witness just how much Mission Made does for its employees in Haiti. Through promoting their art and sharing their gifts on social media, to selling products here in the states, I have seen the impact Mission Made Jewelry has made on local Haitian artists.

I always find myself admiring the products that are sent to us. The creators in Haiti are such talented individuals, and it fills my heart with joy that their God-given gifts have a platform to receive the attention they deserve, and a way to support Haitian families financially.

So much work goes into Mission Made Jewelry behind the scenes, and I feel that I am learning so much as I learn something new every day. From the organizational side to the promotional side of Mission Made Jewelry, to seeing firsthand how much work is put into creating these products, I am in awe at how God has grown this ministry, and done so much good through it.

When I work markets, I find myself so grateful for each customer and each purchase made. I have seen what an impact each item sold can make, and I am so thankful to be a part of it!


May I please tell you about that piece of art?


Karen Barnhill